GCA Update
With COVID restrictions easing, we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the business owners along Greenwich Road who cheerfully provided services and kept us safe during this extremely challenging time.
And thanks also to the teachers at Greenwich Public School who ensure that students are able to continue their studies at home - an unenviable task which is expected to end soon as students get back to classrooms.
GCA general meeting on 20 October
We are delighted that we will be able to host a face- to- face GCA general meeting next Wednesday 20 October at 7.30 pm in the Sailing Club off O’Connell Street.
Due to the 4 sq m rule, capacity will be limited to 55 attendees.
For this reason, we ask you please to register your interest to attend by emailing gca2065@gmail.com and providing evidence of your double vaccination status.
We will confirm your registration by email.
And please remember to COVID Safe Check-in and wear a mask during the meeting.
All a bit of a hassle but worth the effort as there is a lot to discuss – developments on the Bob Campbell Oval front, the DA for the Top Spring site at the corner of River Road and Canberra Avenue, that empty site on the Greenwich/River Road corner and the resolutions that will come out of a jam packed Council agenda for its meeting on Monday 18 October, the last meeting before Council enters pre-election caretaker mode on 5 November.
No draft Minutes are available for the informal GCA meeting held on 18 August. The draft Minutes of the meeting of 16 June are attached. Click here. These minutes will be tabled for approval on Wednesday night.
Local Government Election 4 December – have you enrolled?
Voting in local government elections is compulsory.
If you are not yet enrolled, you have until 25 October to do so.
We attach an extract from Council’s website outlining the enrolment process.
If you are a resident of Lane Cove please make sure your current details are up-to-date with the Electoral Commission as voting is compulsory. This page also contains information to assist with candidates interested in registering for the upcoming election. Please note the elections were originally scheduled to be held in September however have the decision has been made to move the date to 4 December 2021.
Residential Roll
All electors enrolled on the NSW State electoral roll as at 6:00pm 25 October 2021 residing in Lane Cove Council local government area will be included on the residential roll for the election.
To update your enrolment details online or to obtain a residential enrolment form visit aec.gov.au or call 13 23 26. Enrolment forms must be received by 6:00pm 25 October 2021.
Non-residential roll
If you are not a resident of Lane Cove, you may be entitled to vote if you own, occupy or lease property in the Lane Cove Council local government area as a corporation, business or individual.
More information regarding the enrolment of non-residential electors can be found in the NSWEC fact sheet.
To apply for inclusion on the non-residential roll please complete one of the following forms and return to Council by 6:00pm, 25 October 2021:
If a claim for non-residential enrolment was made for a previous election, contact the council to check your claim is still current. If you need to update your details, please contact Lane Cove Council at 9911 3510.
Compulsory Voting
Voting in Local Government elections is compulsory for all voters included on the residential roll. Voting is also compulsory for all voters included on the Lane Cove Council non-residential roll. Voting is not compulsory for voters included on the non-residential roll for other councils.
And keep an eye out for our email about a Meet the Candidates evening – date to be confirmed.
Council Meeting 7 pm Monday 18 October
Council’s October meeting will be held this Monday 18 October at 7 pm.
The agenda is lengthy with a raft of Mayoral Minutes and Notices of Motion. The agenda includes the long running Dog Strategy and Council’s draft Annual Financial Statement which awaits finalisation of an Auditor’s Report and lodgement with the Office of Local Government.
The public forum will be via Zoom.
All speakers wishing to participate in the public forum must register by using the online form no later than midnight, on the day prior to the meeting (Sunday 17 October). A Zoom meeting link will be emailed to the provided email address. Please note that the time limit of three minutes per address applies.