Upcoming events

Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club, on Manns Point, at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club, on Manns Point, at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club, on Manns Point, at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club, on Manns Point, at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club, on Manns Point, at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club, on Manns Point, at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club, on Manns Point, at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

East Ward: Meet the Candidates
Come along and meet the candidates.
Hear their ideas and ask questions.
7:30 pm Wednesday, 4 September
Greenwich Sailing Club off O’Connell st, Greenwich Point

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.
Community Info Session: Proposed Changes to Housing
Community Info Session: PROPOSED New Development Controls
The NSW Government is preparing to implement one of the most far-reaching policies on new housing in decades, meaning significant changes to development in the Lane Cove Local Government Area. Feedback due to NSW government due 23 February 2024. Read our briefing paper to understand the local impacts.
Community Information Session
This is a hybrid event with bookings required for those who wish to attend in person.
Tuesday 20 February, 6:30pm
Lane Cove Council Chambers
Attend in-person (limited seating) or watch online
A recording will also be made available on Council’s website the following day.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

Greenwich Carols by Candlelight
Carols by Candlelight
Monday, 11 December
Sausage sizzle and BBQ from 6pm. Carols at 6.45 pm.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

Greenwich Village Arts Trail
Greenwich Village Arts Trail
Open Studio Weekend
4 & 5 November 2022 - 10am-4pm

Greenwich Village Arts Trail
Greenwich Village Arts Trail Open Studio Weekend
4 & 5 November 2022 - 10am to 4pm

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.
Greenwich Primary School - September Fair
Greenwich Primary School - September Fair
The school is holding a Spring Fair on Sunday, 18 September at the Kings Langley Rd campus. All community members are welcome to attend and support the school where many of our kids are either presently attending or have attended.
Sun 18th Sep, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
32 Kingslangley Rd,
Greenwich NSW 2065
Council Workshop - Sport and Recreation facility
Council Workshop - Sport and Recreation facility
2.30 pm Saturday 17th September
Council is holding a community workshop on Saturday 17th September at Lane Cove Golf Club to exhibit its revised plans for the facility.
With total cost now forecast in excess of $70m this is a major undertaking that deserves the fullest consideration of all design, feasibility and operational issues by the community.
The link to Council’s notice is here
An RSVP is necessary via this link

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.

Santa at the Wharf
Santa is expected to arrive at Greenwich Wharf on Christmas morning at 8 am with presents for the children.

GCA Meeting
Meetings are currently held in the Greenwich Sailing Club at 7.30 pm and are generally well attended.
CANCELLED - North Sydney Planning Panel Meeting
Sport and Recreation Facility Development Application
A public meeting of the SNPP will be held on December 7th at 10.30 AM via teleconference to assist its determination of Council's DA.
All interested people can address the panel. You must register before 4.00 PM on Friday 3rd December on 02 8217 2060.
Click here for more details