Lane Cove Council
Lane Cove Council meets every third Monday of the month.
Preceding each meeting is a community forum where residents are invited to address Council in a three-minute time slot. People may speak on agenda items or choose their own concerns.
Lane Cove Council Civic Centre
48 Longueville Rd, Lane Cove NSW 2066, Australia
PO Box 20, Lane Cove NSW 1595, Australia
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am - 5:00pm
Customer Service: 9911 3555
Lane Cove Council Depot - 02 9427 6296
Council Emergency (after hours) - 02 9911 3699
Lane Cove Community Aid - 02 9427 6425
Home Care - 02 9412 4377
Lane Cove Council Ranger 9911 3555
Council Services
Household garbage and recyclables
Household garbage and recyclables are picked up for most Greenwich residents on Monday or Tuesday morning.
Household garbage
Residents are supplied, free of charge, with 80-litre mobile garbage bins.
Two bins are supplied by Council (A blue bin and a yellow bin. There are to be put out alternate weeks)
Glass bottles: PET plastic bottles (those with star-shaped bottoms), plastic bottles with the "R" symbol (for recycling) and aluminium cans
Newspapers, magazines, paper and cardboard
Green pick-up
Tree prunings, grass cuttings and all weeds. Tree branches should be bundled, tied together in units of approximately one metre. Thorny branches should be wrapped. Cleared approximately monthly.
Ring 9911 3666 for pick-up date for your area.
Non-green pick-up
Household rubbish such as old carpet, stoves, fridges and cupboards. Remove all doors. Pick-up ring 02 9911 3666
Local East Ward Councillors
Pam Palmer - 0431 959 980 Lane Cove Council Mayor
David Brooks-Horn - 0450-288-072
Frances Vissel - 0400 891 895